One of the great things about modern web development is that we have so many useful tools and frameworks that not only help take the drudgery out of coding, but also make sure you get started coding the right way. One example is the new HTML5 Boilerplate 3.0 released just last week, and Favbulous offers a roundup of 6 Useful Web Development Boilerplates for HTML email, mobile web apps and more.
Another new release is the JavaScript framework Modernizr 2.5, which is designed to simplify feature detection and make sure your site runs smoothly in all browsers.
Speaking of prefixes and CSS browser weirdness, Paul Irish tackles the issue of widths and padding and suggests some universal border box sizing tweaks that will simplify your life. Even with jQuery.
Here’s some potentially handy CSS trivia: What’s the Maximum Z-Index? Michael Mahemoff shows you how Z-index works in the popular browsers and how you might even use it to do some tricky browser detection.
If you find these frameworks exciting and want even more advanced features and greater challenges, James Ward introduces you toNext Gen Web Apps with Scala, BlueEyes, and MongoDB. The future is now. Don’t wait.
Maybe you just want the quiet life, though – simple HTML and CSS you can wrap your head around and be done. Well WebInterfaceLab has a small-but-growing library of free HTML5 & CSS3 snippets you can use.