MEF or Managed Extensibility Framework - System.ComponentModel.Composition
It allows you to decouple your components pretty easily and it supports various component discovery scenarios, and enables you to write better frameworks.
- Introduction to MEF programming
- MEF or Managed Extensibility Framework – Creating a Zoo and Animals
- MEF or Managed Extensibility Framework and Lazy
– Being Lazy with MEF, Custom Export Atttibutes
Reactive Extensions and LINQ To Events – System.Reactive
Reactive Extensions will soon become the de-facto for writing asynchronous code in a declarative manner .NET Rx gives greater freedom to compose new events – you can create specific events out of general events.
- Concepts And First Look
- Linq To Events – A WPF Drawing Demo
- A Text Template for generating GetEventName wrapper
- What is LINQ to Events a.k.a RX Framework?
- Rx Framework Part I - System.Reactive or the .NET Reactive Extensions (Rx) – Concepts and First Look
- Rx Framework Part II - Observables From Events and ‘LINQ to Events’ – With a WPF Drawing demo
- Rx Framework Part III - LINQ To Events - Generating GetEventName() Wrapper Methods using T4 Text Templates
Parallel Extensions and Tasks - System.Threading.Tasks
Dynamic Extensions - System.Dynamic
C# 4.0 introduced dynamic capabilities (duck typing) capabilities. There are a number of scenarios where the dynamic features can really simplify things for you. For example, let us assume a Reflection based scenario where you load a type (from an external assembly or so) to invoke a member, or think about a dynamic fluent wrapper on top of XML or JSON.
C# 4.0 introduced dynamic capabilities (duck typing) capabilities. There are a number of scenarios where the dynamic features can really simplify things for you. For example, let us assume a Reflection based scenario where you load a type (from an external assembly or so) to invoke a member, or think about a dynamic fluent wrapper on top of XML or JSON.
- C# 4.0 dynamic keyword for Dummies – Under the hood
- ExpandoObject in C# 4.0 Inside Look - 'Attaching' Members (Properties, Methods etc) To Objects At Runtime
- Introducing ElasticObject implemented using .NET 4.0 dynamic features - An easier way to work with XML in CSharp, A Smarter Cousin of ExpandoObject.
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